Daily Archives: October 29, 2021

George Orwell – Fascism and Democracy

The writer who told the truth.

What is the use of political liberty, so called, to a man who works 12 hours a day for 3 pounds a week? Once in five years he may get the chance to vote for his favourite party, but for the rest of the time practically every detail of his life is dictated by his employer.

Even when by some mischance a government representing the poorer classes gets into power, the rich can usually blackmail it by threatening to export capital.

The citizen of a democratic country is ‘conditioned’ from birth onwards, less rigidly but not much less effectively than he would be in a totalitarian country.

and lastly

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world

Goodreads Recommendation

Goodreads makes recommendations for books they think may interest me as a reader based on a book or books I’m currently reading.

However, I think this algorithm needs some refining.

The 28th October recommendation was based on the book:

The Tyrannicide Brief: The Story of the Man Who Sent Charles I to the Scaffold by Geoffrey Robertson QC

and the book Goodreads recommended was

The Man who made Husbands Jealous by Jilly Cooper

I’m still trying to understand what connects these two books?